비트코인/암호화폐 이야기

Why I agree with BitcoinETFs

ISNOW 2018. 8. 22. 18:25

1. Andreas's opinion is too ideal 

2. Investing in ETF is simple and easy. 

Actually, people are not interested in technical words such as block size, segwit, hotwallet, hardfork, softfork blah blah~

if bitcoin is listed on ETF, the more people can invest in bitcoin

that means decentralizing Bitcoin ownership

It is easy and convenient.

most people don't need private keys 

3. The problems of adjusting market price and centralization have already existed. Thus these are not big problems with ETF

4. As a result, ETF will contribute to price stability by raising the level of credibility and increasing pies(scale).

2018/08/20 - [암호화폐 이야기] - 안드레아스의 비트코인 ETF 반대에 반대한다

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